"Deliberateness" in the Normal State-Xinjiang Bazhou Heshuo Government Square
In a similar fashion to conventional administrative squares, a north to south axis has been constructed consisting of a central square together with nine planted areas establishing a space between the central square and the building entrance.
An east to west axis has also been formed to separate the landscaped areas and the traffic flow areas.
Next, four paved areas have been constructed running north to south on each side of the central axis. Poplars that grow well in the local area have been planted on each side of the paved areas maintaining a transparency in the north to south direction yet producing a closure in the east to west direction. The orientation of the axis is strengthened as it generates a distinct spatial feature for the square.
The two obliquely opposed axes enrich the spatial pattern.
Finally, a driveway for vehicular traffic in the shape of an arc has been formed at the entrance to the building together with four symmetrical arches on each side thus relieving any excessive neatness or stiffness created with regard to traffic flowing in an east to west direction.
Materials of a common and cheap nature have been adopted in this project to convey an attitude towards the whole project....the "deliberateness" in the normal state.
探營廣州園博會:移步換景賞雅色 繡球簇擁廣州城